Why Are Adrenaline Experiences Good For Team Building?

Team building activities are of course extremely common in the workplace and many managers employ this tactic to get the most out of their staff. After all, a happy work environment where staff know each other well and discuss ideas is the best scenario. Naturally, there is a myriad of team building activities which you may choose to go for. There are of course the popular options of a night out in a pub or a meal somewhere after work. These options are of course fun and effective however there are a few more adventurous possibilities out there!

Choosing adrenaline-packed activities to bring your team together may have a whole host of benefits that perhaps you didn’t realise before. After all, many managers and team leaders choose these kinds of activities very often and regularly repeat them when new members join the group. So, why are action-packed experiences so good for team building and why should you consider them for your group?

Build trust

Adrenaline-filled activities certainly get the blood pumping and this can have a few incredible benefits for your team. One of these benefits is of course trust. It is imperative that your colleagues have complete faith in each other and can rely on everyone around them to pull their weight. So, for your team to function as effectively as possible they need to trust each other.

One of the best ways you can build trust with your team is to take them out on an adventure where they have to work together on some action-packed tasks. Take climbing for example. Here the climber has to completely trust their partner to belay them correctly. Belaying is the process of making sure the climber is kept in the same position if they fall off the rock and then lowered safely to the ground.

Get to know your colleagues

Of course, you are probably already friends with your work colleagues and we’re sure that you all get along brilliantly. However, stepping out of the office once in a while and doing something a little different can be a great opportunity to get to know your work friends on a slightly deeper level. Stepping away from the involvement you spend time in every day will likely foster different conversations and you’ll probably find out many things you never knew before! This will make your team run far better when you get back into the office and your business will certainly benefit from it.

If you’re after an action-packed team-building activity to bring your staff together then here at Honister Slate we can help. We have a variety of activities to choose from so contact our friendly staff today and find out more!

Honister Slate Mine is currently closed and will reopen on the 15th January.